Mini-Homework 0: Tell us about yourself!

Due: Before class, January 22nd, 2025.

The first mini-homework is simple. Before you begin, please read the 'Welcome & Logistics' post on Piazza (let a course staff member know if you do not have access to Piazza).

  1. Tell us who is in your group (up to 3 people per group max) and how you know each other (include everyone's name and andrewID if you have people in your group).
  2. For each member in your group write one thing you want to learn from this course and/or one reason you decided to take the course.
  3. When are A0.0/0.5 due according to the website?
  4. How many people in your group need to submit a mini-hw? How do you make sure your other group members get credit?
  5. Please join the class Slack. What's the point of the class Slack?
  6. Please write the links to the following services to ensure you have access to them. If you cannot access them, please make a note that you will get in touch with the course staff to help you get set up:
  • Course Website
  • Piazza
  • Gradescope
  • OHQueue
  • Slack

For this and all other mini-homeworks, you should submit your solutions via Gradescope. There is no template or required formatting, though we appreciate typeset :)